(646) 300-2216
Bring out the best of your beauty and style with professional glamor and portrait photography shoots! Whether you are booking family portraits with the kids, senior pictures, or a personal fashion shoot, boudoir, or pin-up session, Glamour Shots will bring out your best. With our personalized consultant, we will make sure your shoot is individually tailored to you. With over 30 years of professional experience, Yoni Levy captures each client’s personality with ease. Tals Studio provides a variety of packages, with the Glamour Package being an excellent starting point. Makeup and styling services can also be provided in the studio. Book online today!
What's Included:
-$249 1 Hour Session
-10 Final Retouched Photos
-75-100 Pictures
-Up to 3 Background Colors
-High-Resolution Perfect for Printing
-Online Gallery
-Full Usage Rights
Book online today!
Or Call Us at
(646) 300-2216
We look forward to meeting you!