Take your acting career to the next stage by capturing perfect headshots that show your passion for acting, music, theater, and more. Our Professional Photographer Yoni Levy has been shooting actors, models, and professionals of all ages for over 35 years. Located in Chelsea, Manhattan, Tals Studio specializes in shooting youthful, glowing headshots for actors and actresses. At Tals Studio, we master finely tuning the small details, down to capturing the perfect artistic lighting to make your headshot stand out from the rest. You will achieve beautiful headshots booking through our website, receiving them in a few short hours.
What’s Included:
-1 Hour Acting Package $299
-10 Final Retouched Images
-3 Background Color
-Online Gallery for Proofing
- (90-100 Images)
-Full usage rights
Call Us at
(646) 300-2216
We look forward to meeting you!