Couples Lifestyle Photographer in NYC specializes in professional Couples Lifestyle Photography
Couples Lifestyle Photoshoot
Let a highly experienced, professional photographer capture your special moment, together. This is your time. Time to celebrate a special occasion, engagement, or anniversary, or to simply reaffirm your love and commitment to each other. We will create perfect photographs that represent the best of your relationship. Choose in the studio or outdoors, or both; lifestyle photography, at a cafe, museum, or park. Whether you feel romantic, happy, beautiful, playful, a little frisky, or in love — capture it all, now, for posterity. You will leave with images to remember forever. images you can share with your friends, your family, or just with each other. You will love the experience.
2Hrs Couples Photography Session - $449 25 Final Retouched Images
(300-450 Pictures)
Unlimited Poses / Sittings / Changes
Hi-Resolution Copies Perfect for Print
Low-Resolution Copies Perfect for Online
Bring your own wardrobe
Immediate family welcome to join in your photoshoot
Online Gallery for Proofing
Full usage rights